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Moving Service to ALL MEXICO!


We work throughout Mexico, deliveries are made at home and take 15 days or less
It can be carried from a refrigerator to a house with 4 bedrooms or more!
can include clothing, footwear, dishes, electronics, toys, books, souvenirs, ornaments, furniture, 
mattresses, stove, living room set, dining room set, etc.
We only need to know the volume and quantity to send with the total value.
We process customs taxes, that is to say, your relatives would not have to pay a single peso at the time of receipt. We also receive cargo if you. He is registered in the Paisano program and they exempt him from paying customs, they only charged him for taking his move to his home in Mexico.
The shipments are safe and fast.  


Call today without obligation and make an appointment  to go and make a budget for your home here in the United States. FREE!!!!

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